入門編– category –
Debt-to-Equity D E Ratio: Meaning and Formula
The debt-to-equity ratio is primarily used by companies to determine its riskiness. If a company has a high D/E ratio, it will most likely want to issue equity as opposed to debt during its next round of funding. If it issues additional ... -
Gold Silver Ratio: What It is, How It Works, Example
This digital form of payment has become increasingly accepted by businesses around the world. View our bitcoin price chart to see the bitcoin price today and research historical bitcoin prices. Conversely, a narrowing ratio could signal ... -
How Does Cryptocurrency Work? A Beginner’s Information
Each part, including the legal ramifications, may be handled by specialists who have substantial experience and accreditation in their field. Apart from that, using white label solutions allows you to lower your expenses at each level of... -
こんにちは!営業の中村です!非エンジニアでも使えるよ!でおなじみのノーコード開発プラットフォーム「ゼロワン」ですが。ほんとに使えるのか!ってことで非エンジニアを代表して私が検証する企画その名も。「ゼロワン使い方動画を見ながらアプリ作って... -
【応用編】OAuth2.0でfreee連携してみた 1/4
こんにちは!今回は「freee会計」とZeroOneのAPI連携についてご説明します。 「freee会計」を活用されている経理の皆様・面倒な経理業務を自動化したい皆様は必見です! 【本記事の成果物】 本記事の成果物はこちらです。 「freee連携」ボタンをクリックす... -
Send emails using Gmail node when Google Sheets rows are manipulated
ZeroOne More we live in modern time, more we will try to automate common things. In today's article we are going to look at the Gmail and Google Sheets and how to connect them in ZeroOne platform. ZeroOne platform makes creating web-appl... -
How to handle routes in ZeroOne
Unlike old web, today's websites are totally different from previous ancestors. Of course you do not want users to scroll in the same page without end. That's why routing is very important. So let's see how routing is implemented in Zero... -
Automatisation report submitting and report checking (integration with Airtable and Slack)
Automatisation of report submitting and report checking (integration with Airtable and Slack) 【Do you have a problem with manual report submission/reading?】 In our modern world people want their daily tasks to be as automatic as possib... -
Database and Backend. How access to database through backend workflow?
How to retrieve information from database in backend? ZeroOne platform offers a Database node which has several options to operate with. ZeroOne database is implemented in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is one of the most popular relational data... -
Use No Code: How To Create A Blog On ZeroOne
For yourself, you may ask a question. So, should you choose ZeroOne to power your blogging needs? It depends on what your end goals are. If you run a complete peer-to-peer marketplace with a mobile app and website on top of ZeroOne, and ...